Friday, October 8, 2010

Gonorrhea Small Red Spots


Another interesting ad of the 悦己 campaign is this one: a smiling Chinese woman (this time, not chubby at all!) looks right towards the camera and says: "男人付帐值得炫耀, 但自己买单那叫骄傲". The slogan in English would sound like: "When a man pays restaurant bills it is worth showing off, but when I pay bills myself this means being proud". It is worth highlighting that the Chinese slogan sounds more rhytmic than the English version I propose here, as the expressions 耀 and 傲 are homophones (the two characters both read "yào"). This woman looks more sophisticated if compared to the chubby woman of the previous ad I analyzed: we can see she is holding a leather bag, wearing an elegant necklace and a silk-like black blouse, and her hairstyle is fancy: all these visible signs lead us to think that she is a woman who cares about herself and treats her well. But the most important thing, strictly connected to the slogan, is that she treats herself well also from an economic point of view: as a matter of fact, in both hands (sorry, this picture is not complete!), she is holding a variety of credit cards, a clear sign of "wealth". Thus, the one depicted here is a new Chinese woman: a worker, who is proud of being able to pay herself restaurant bills, if she wants to. In the meantime, she is a woman who likes also to be asked out for dinner and possibly is very successful with men (it is very interesting that the slogan uses the generic and undefined term 男人, "man/men", instead of a more traditional 我男朋友, "my boyfriend", or a stronger 我男人, "my man"; or, again, a more serious 我丈夫, "my husband", or a more colloquial 我老公, "my husband"). Therefore, the new Chinese woman depicted here is still very feminine (and likes to show it), But surely Economically more independent. I just wonder Whether She Would Actually invite and pay a man's dinner - and Would this really make her sexually and Economically Empowered - or just pay her own restaurant bills. Or if she gets her dinners paid by men and show it off (Demonstrating That She is attractive) and use her money to go to the hairdresser's and shopping. Any idea?

Another interesting announcement of the campaign 悦 己 is: a smiling Chinese woman (this time for nothing tondetta!) Looks straight into the lens and says, "男人 付帐 值得 炫耀, 但 自己 买单 那叫 骄傲. "Slogan, translated into Italian, reads:" When a man invites you to dinner to show, but the pride is there if I have to pay '. It is important to note that rhyming slogan in Chinese it sounds, given that the terms and 耀 傲 are homophones (the reading of both characters is "yao"), rhyme that I tried to keep the Italian translation that I propose here. This woman appears more sophisticated compared to the plump woman with the announcement that I discussed earlier: we can see that it has a leather bag, wearing an elegant necklace and a silk shirt that seems and his hairstyle is sought: these visible signs lead us to believe that a woman is careful to itself and that it is good. However, the most important and closely linked to the slogan, is that it is also good an economic point of view: in fact, in both hands (unfortunately the picture is not complete!) holds several credit cards, an unmistakable sign of "wealth." Thus, even the one shown here is a new Chinese woman: a worker , which is fair to pay for the restaurant alone, if it wishes. At the same time, a woman who appreciates being invited to dinner and probably has happened with men (in fact, is very interesting that the slogan 男人 uses a term like 'man / men, "instead of a traditional 我 男朋友," my boy ", or a major 我 男人," my man "or even a serious 我 丈夫," my husband, "or colloquial 我 老公," my husband "). So, the new Chinese woman represented here is still very feminine (and like to show), but surely it is economically more independent. I wonder if you would invite to dinner only a man paying for him too - and it made her sexually and economically powerful - or if you simply pay his dinner. Or if you pay for dinner by men (demonstrating così che è attraente) e usa i soldi per pagarsi il parrucchiere e fare shopping. Qualche suggerimento?


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