Friday, September 24, 2010

Moding Gta Car In 3d Max


Time for another announcement: today, 24th September, is the European Researchers' Night . The event has been taking place in different countries of the European Union starting from 2005, every fourth Friday of September. This year, 250 cities of 33 European countries are giving an opportunity for everybody to get "Face to face with European researchers" . Venice is one of them: Ca' Foscari University and IUAV University are taking part to the event, with a variety of activities, such as Corner Europei and Spritz con la Scienza . If you happen to be near Campo Santa Margherita, at around 18:00, you can join my Spritz con la Scienza, entitled: "Beijing Welcomes You: Words, Images and Sounds from Beijing 2008 Olympics". We will have a glimpse of the Beijing 2008 Olympics, through the screening of the opening ceremony and the famous theme song for 100-day Olympic countdown: "北京欢迎你" (Beijing Welcomes You). At 20:00 the Auditorium in Campo Santa Margherita will host a concert from Artemoltobuffa and Mercanti di be there! And give research a chance...


It 's time for another announcement today, 24 September, the European Researchers Night . This event started in several European Union countries since 2005, every fourth week of September. This year, 250 cities of 33 EU countries are giving the opportunity to meet face to face with European researchers' . Venice is one of these cities: the University Ca 'Foscari IUAV and take part in the event, with various modes such as Corner Europeans and Spritz with Science . If you happen near the Campo Santa Margherita, around 18:00, you could join my Spritz with Science, titled "Beijing welcomes you: words, images and sounds from the 2008 Beijing Olympics." We'll have an idea Beijing Olympics 2008, thanks to the vision of the opening ceremony and sings it 100 days before the Games, "北京 欢迎 你" (Pechino ti da' il benvenuto). Alle 20:00 l'Auditorium di Campo Santa Margherita ospiterà un concerto di Artemoltobuffa e Mercanti di Liquore...non mancare! E dai un'opportunità alla ricerca...

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Fungus On Foot Of Toddler


Sorry if I interrupt the posting on 悦己, but as this is a blog on Chinese advertising I think it's my duty to advertise an important event that will take place next Monday (September 20), in concomitance with the start of the 2010/2011 Academic Year at Ca' Foscari University of Venice and with the beginning of my new course "Chinese Identity through Logos, Brands and Marketing". Professor 刘林清 Liu Linqing from the Advertising Department of Communication University of China is coming to Ca 'Foscari to give a talk entitled " from a commercial perspective the current Chinese society and cultural " (Chinese contemporary culture and society through advertising). The event is supported by the Department of East Asian Studies and the Confucius Institute at Ca 'Foscari University of Venice. I will be in charge of the translation into Italian and I hope there will be a vast audience, as this is the first time a Chinese professor comes to Italy to give a talk on Chinese contemporary advertising! So don't miss it!


Sorry if I sneak in between your posts on 悦 己, but since this is a blog on the Chinese public, I think it is right to publicize a major event which will take place Monday next (20 September), coinciding with the beginning of the academic year 2010/2011 Università Ca 'Foscari of Venice and the mio corso "L'identità cinese attraverso marchi, marche e marketing". Il professor Liulin Qing Liu Linqing del Dipartimento di Pubblicità della Communication University of China verrà a Venezia per tenere una lezione intitolata " from a commercial perspective the current Chinese culture and society "(Cultura e società della Cina contemporanea attraverso la pubblicità). L'evento è promosso dal Dipartimento di Studi sull'Asia Orientale e dall'Istituto Confucio presso Ca 'Foscari. Sarò responsabile della traduzione in italiano e spero che ci sarà un vasto audience, dato che è la prima volta che un professore cinese viene in Italia per parlare della pubblicità cinese! Non mancate!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Round Robin Letter Template


So far, this is one of the ads of the campaign that I like most. It consists of a black and white picture of a chubby Chinese woman, who is laughing in such a contagious way that you can't help smiling. The slogan is written in orange characters and says: " 一点 Relax , Fei Yang Kuei according like awesomeness emperor ". A possible English translation could be:" Some superfluous meat should not make you worry, since this is how Yang Guifei seduced to death Tang Ming Huang ". Yang Guifei is a very famous female figure in Chinese culture, as she became Tang Ming Huang / Emperor Xuanzong's consort (after being also his son's consort) during the prosperous Tang Dynasty. Actually, she died in a very sad way, but her beauty and  death are said to have caused the descend of the Tang Dynasty (and this is why the slogan ironically uses the expression 迷死 , literally  means "to enchant, to fascinate", and  means "to death", as she actually was the one who died).  She is considered one of China's Four Great Beauties , Together with beauty Xi Shi , Wang Zhaojun Wang Zhaojun , and mink cicada Diao Chan . She was commonly known for being quite chubby, characteristic that was considered a good quality during that time (and distinguished her from skinny beaty canons, such as the on embodied by Zhao Fei Yan Zhao Feiyan, who conquered Emperor Cheng of the Western Han Dynasty thanks to her slimness, as explained by the chengyu " Central fertilizer Yan thin "-" plump Huan, slender Yan ", where Central Huan stands for Yu Yang Central , alias Yang Guifei). And this is exactly the kind of beauty that the testimonial of  悦己 is advocating: a fleshy beauty that still can be attractive (after all, the important thing is to be yourself)! Following the slogan, we find the link to the Chinese SELF website ( ), and a picture of the front cover of the magazine (that appears inside a comic-style balloon, and therefore seems "spelled out" by the testimonial). From the small front cover, we can see the name of the magazine ( 悦己 SELF), its price (15 yuan), the main topic ( fast music by self have , that appears also in the logo of the magazine), and that it just came to the market ( listed heart ). It is worth highlighting that, when a product firstly appears on the Chinese market, the common way of referring to it is: full new listed (literally: " complete "+" new "+" go up, get on "+" market "), while here the second character ( ) is still read xin1 (thus is an homophone of   , "new"), but means "heart", "mind", "soul". In perfect harmony with the requirements the magazine had to meet in order to sell to the Chinese consumers ( see previous post ).


Alla lunga, questo è uno degli annunci pubblicitari della campagna herself che mi piace di più. E 'costituito da una foto in bianco e nero che ritrae una donna cinese paffutella che ride in modo contagioso, tanto che non ci si può astenere dal sorridere. Lo slogan è scritto in caratteri di color arancione e dice: " Relax a little bit of fat on , Yang still awesomeness emperor ". Una possibile traduzione in italiano: "Un po 'di carne superflua you do not have to worry about, because it was so fatally seduced Guifei Yang Tang Ming Huang. Yang Guifei is a very famous female figure in Chinese culture, as has become the consort of Tang Ming Huang / Emperor Xuanzong (after marrying his son) during the Tang Dynasty rich. In fact, it's very tragic way, but its beauty and death are held responsible for the fall of the Tang Dynasty (which is why the slogan used in a ironic expression 迷死 literally means "enchant, fascinate and means" until death, to die, "as she was to die first). It is considered one of Four major Chinese beauties , along with 西施 Xi Shi , 王昭君 Wang Zhaojun and 貂蝉 Diao Chan . She was known to be quite tondetta, a feature that was considered a virtue at this time (and he definitely opposed to standards of beauty needle, as shown by 赵飞燕 Zhao Feiyan, which won with its thinness Emperor Cheng of the Western Han Dynasty, as explained in Chengyu " 环 肥 燕 瘦 " - "Huan fat, lean Yan", where Huan stands for 杨玉环 , alias Yang Guifei). And this is precisely the model of beauty that the testimonial 悦 己 want to sponsor: A fleshy beauty can still be attractive (in the end, the important thing is be yourself!) After the slogan, we find the link to the site Chinese SELF ( ) and a photo of the cover of the magazine (which appears in a comic style and a cloud seems to be "delivered" from the testimonial) . From the small cover shot, we can distinguish the name magazine ( 悦 己 SELF), rate (15 yuan), the central theme ( 快乐 由 自己 , which also appears under the logo of the magazine), is that just entered the market ( 全心 上市 ). It is worth highlighting that when a product enters for the first time in the Chinese market, the term is commonly used is: 全新 上市 (literally, "full" + "new" + "enter" + "market"), while here the second character ( ) is still xin1 bed (so it is a homophone , "new"), but it means "heart", "mind", "soul." ; In perfect harmony with the characteristics that the magazine had to meet to be able to sell to Chinese consumers (see previous post ).